Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08983

From: Evan Dudzik
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 03:36:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: request RICHARD READ THIS

do you realize that he is not a member yet and you
just sent this message to the list, not him??? I will
forward it for you...

--- Richard Caudle wrote:
> Look on my website for instructions on joining the
> list.
> Hope this helps!
> Richard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 9:13 PM
> Subject: request
> > i am an amateur and i would love to be on the BEAM
> mailing list.
> >

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |
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8984 Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:02:32 +1100 [alt-beam] Re: New(?) FLED variant "Ben Hitchcock" Hi,

>From: Senior
>Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:34

> Very interesting! Do you know how it compares to a 1381 photopopper or
> SE?


No idea at all. I've been trying to get some 1381's to experiment with, but
they're a bit thin on the ground here in Oz.

I get the feeling that it won't be as efficient as a 1381 SE because the
1381 is specifically designed for voltage sensing, as opposed to the FLEDs
which just do that incidentally.

But as David Perry noted:

> Nice! I'm going to try it out tonight since i have all the parts.

the parts for it are easier to find than the 1381's. And since Fred is
happily popping away underneath my desk lamp as we speak, I'm not really
concerned about scraping those last few microamps out of the circuit.

If you want to start experimenting with the circuit, try lowering the value
of the 4.7 uF cap to maybe 0.1 uF. I breadboarded the circuit with a 0.1 uF
cap, but didn't have two of them that were the same. 4.7uF was the smallest
pair of caps that I had - hence the value in the schematic.
You might also want to try raising the value of the 10 K resistors to 22 or
even 47 K. Again, 10 K worked in my case, and when I tried 100 K it didn't


>> Full details of my popper are available at:

8985 Mon, 10 Jan 2000 05:37:43 -0800 [alt-beam] Re: Hey Bruce(was:Bi ped) "Droidmakr" Hey Bruce,

I would like to ask your permission to place a copy
of your full post on my web site(
I'm preparing a section on legs and beleave tha people
would find it useful. I of course would attribute it to you
and give you full credit for it.

Please reply


bruce robinson wrote:
original article:
> Well, since everyone else is talking about it, I may as well get in
my 2
> cents worth. This is a subject I actually know something about (unlike
> my robotics and electronic skills).
> ...

> Regards,
> Bruce
