Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #08862
From: "johannes urke"
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 21:30:43 CET
Subject: [alt-beam] events?
hey guys are there any events around: from 23.5.2000 to about 18.7.2000?
(thats my summer vacation)
so since i cant go to the beam games (it`s just two weeks to early)
i wanna go to some other event in summer.
no matter where no matter what, just let me know.
8863 Thu, 6 Jan 2000 14:45:06 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Re: Biped Beam Bots David Stafford Sounds great, can you give me some details on the
--- Evan Dudzik wrote:
> well, i have a 5-motored 2 legged bot, in which one
> motor would be like a knee, only facing backwards, and
> the other would be a hip... like those big two legged
> walker things in star wars (remember the ones that
> hunted them in the woods???)... thats only four motors
> (servos)... the fifth??? it goes at the top, and faces
> straight up. affixed to the horn is one of those 4X
> AA battery holders, in which two rows of 2 AA's are
> side by side, so it is long... this way, no weight is
> added to shift the center of gravity left and right
> save that of the servo... no extra weight to lug
> around...and the battery pack could be shifted closer
> to being centered over the servo... if centered, when
> rotated, it wouldnt shift the center of gravity left
> or right... but if all the way out as you could put
> it, it would practically tip the bot over. This would
> make it easy to fine-tune the shifting of weight. the
> feet would be little tripods of coathanger wire, with
> rubber nubs on the end of each foot. The feet would
> be wide enough so that they ALMOST touch in the middle
> of the bot, so as to make as little weight as possible
> necessary to shift... I might do that LATER when i
> actually HAVE 5 servos...
> --- Dane Gardner wrote:
> > > When you place the tail between the legs then it
> > will be impossible to let
> > > the walker stand on one leg because the center of
> > gravity will remain
> > > between the legs.
> >
> > I didn't mean to leave it there. I meant for it to
> > be able to swing outward
> > (either forward or behind) from in between the legs.
> > If you leave enough
> > room...and don't want a could have the
> > tail swing completely
> > around the center of the body, in a vertical fasion.
> >
> > > Suppose the tail is behind the legs so it can
> > swing
> > > freely to the left or right. No then the whole
> > center of gravity would be
> > > so low that it will take a lot of efforts to get
> > the robot stand on one
> > > leg. The whole issue is center of gravity. The
> > higher it is the easier it
> > > is to shift it.
> >
> > Yes but a top heavy two leged bot would never be
> > able to just sit still. I
> > would have to be able to move constantly. And
> > unless you build something in
> > that allows the bot to get up from a fall, you would
> > be condeming the bot to
> > a lack of sleep.
> >
> > > Besides isn't a tail designed to prevent an
> > animal/robot
> > > from falling when the body bends forward towards
> > the ground?
> >
> > Not only that. It helps it to get up without the
> > help of arms and hands.
> >
> > > A can remember
> > > a walker which had a rod mounted on the waist. The
> > rod pointed upwards and
> > > at the end of it there was a weight attached. By
> > moving the rod the robot
> > > could control the center of gravity. I have seen a
> > video of this robot
> > > walking and you could see very clearly how the rod
> > controlled the balance.
> >
> > I'm just saying that unless you want a HUGE bot with
> > a lot of body mass,
> > you're going to end up with a really top heavy
> > system.
> >
> > CYA,
> >
> > Dane
> >
> >
> >
> =====
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8864 Thu, 06 Jan 2000 23:19:31 GMT [alt-beam] Re: events? "Mike Kulesza"
>hey guys are there any events around: from 23.5.2000 to about 18.7.2000?
>(thats my summer vacation)
Here in Canada, our summer vacation is from end of June to start of
September. I doubt that ther is any other BEAM related events besides this
and workshops... Too bad there's nothing ever in my area, in Ontario - but I
know theres several BEAMers around here...
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