Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08858

From: "Sathe Dilip"
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 12:15:04 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Biped Beam Bots

Take a look at the following site for the description of a home-made
inclinometer & how the designer used it in his experiments with
balancing etc. You will find some common threads like the ones being
discussed here.

You may also want to look at the bipeds on this site

Jim Taylor wrote:
> Didn't catch this in the original post. Tilt sensors are pointless really
> for moving a tail. I had mine hooked directly to a helicopter micro piezo
Pl. remove *s from the e-mail address to reply

8859 Thu, 06 Jan 2000 19:53:33 +0100 [alt-beam] bonne annee, festival 2000 ""
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Bonjour =E0 tous et bonne ann=E9e 2000.
Le 7 =E8m festival International des Sciences et Technologies
se tiendra en Mai 2000 nous n'avons pas encore les dates
d=E9finitives ceci en raison des r=E9servation de salles pour les
Vous pourrez suivre dans les prochains jours la publication
des r=E8glements, sur, suite aux rencontres qui
se sont d=E9roul=E9es =E0 Moscou en d=E9cembre dernier.
Pour la classe monotype :
Une modification importante par rapport aux autres ann=E9es ; la
plate-forme de la classe monotype n'est plus la m=EAme. Il est
toujours possible de se pr=E9senter avec l'ancienne plate-forme
en classe libre. Vous pouvez vous
la fournir en adressant un mail =E0 :
Classe libre :
Une zone de navigation est pr=E9vue comme l'an pass=E9, mais avec
plus de difficult=E9s et une recherche de navigation plus
Classe d=E9monstration :
Afin d'accueillir des projets de recherches qui ne rentraient
pas dans les diff=E9rentes classes, cette nouvelle classe est
cr=E9=E9e afin de pr=E9senter des =E9quipes qui n'auraient pas =E9taie=
s=E9lectionn=E9es auparavant.
Comp=E9titions :
Une trentaine d'=E9quipes ont d=E9j=E0 fait acte de candidature dont
; le Mexique , la Russie, la Cor=E9e, Singapour, le Japon, les
USA, le Canada, et plusieurs pays de la CEE.
Conf=E9rences et workshop :
Le th=E8me en sera les NTIC (nouvelle technologie de
l'information et de la communication) si vous avez le souhait
d'y publier un article ou d'y participer vous pouvez laisser
un mail sur :

Merci de bien vouloir adresser vos questions et vos mails sur
; et n'oubliez pas =E9volue
toutes les semaines et vos pages web peuvent y =EAtre

A bient=F4t, toute l'=E9quipe vous souhaite encore une tr=E8s bonne

Hello at all and Happy new year 2000.
The 7 th International festival of Sciences and Technologies
will be held in May 2000 we do not have the final dates yet
this because of the reservation of halls for the competitions.

You will be able to follow in the next days the publication of
the rules, on, following the meetings which
proceeded in Moscow last December.
the class monotype:
A significant modification compared to the other years; the
platform of the class monotype is not any more the same one.
It is always possible to be presented with the old platform in
free class You
can to you provide it by addressing a mall to:
Open class:
A zone of navigation is envisaged like the year, but with more
difficulties and a search of more sophisticated navigation.
Class demonstration:
In order to accommodate research projects which did not
re-enter in the various classes, this new class is created in
order to introduce teams which would not have were selected
About thirty teams already made application form of which;
Mexico, Russia, Korea, Singapore, Japan, the USA, Canada, and
several countries of the EEC.
Conferences and workshop:
The topic will be the NTIC (new communication and information
technology) if you have the wish to publish an article there
or to take part in it you can leave a mail on:

Thanks for agreeing to address your questions and your mails
on; and do not forget
evolves/moves every week and your Web pages can be presented

So long,

content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Bonjour à tous et bonne année 2000.

Le 7 èm festival International des Sciences et Technologies 
se tiendra en Mai 2000 nous n'avons pas encore les dates définitives
ceci en raison des réservation de salles pour les compétitions.

Vous pourrez suivre dans les prochains jours la publication des règlements,
sur,  suite aux rencontres qui se sont déroulées
à Moscou en décembre dernier.

Pour la classe monotype :

Une modification importante par rapport aux autres années ;
la plate-forme de la classe monotype n'est plus la même. Il est toujours
possible de se présenter avec l'ancienne plate-forme en classe libre.">"> Vous pouvez vous la fournir
en adressant un mail à :

Classe libre :

Une zone de navigation est prévue comme l'an passé, mais
avec plus de difficultés et une recherche de navigation plus sophistiquée.

Classe démonstration :

Afin d'accueillir des projets de recherches qui ne rentraient pas dans
les différentes classes, cette nouvelle classe est créée
afin de présenter des équipes qui n'auraient pas étaient
sélectionnées auparavant.

Compétitions :

Une trentaine d'équipes ont déjà fait acte de
candidature dont ; le Mexique , la Russie, la Corée, Singapour,
le Japon, les USA, le Canada, et plusieurs pays de la CEE.

Conférences et workshop :

Le thème en sera les NTIC (nouvelle technologie de l'information
et de la communication) si vous avez le souhait d'y publier un article
ou d'y participer vous pouvez laisser un mail sur :

Merci de bien vouloir adresser vos questions et vos mails  sur
; et n'oubliez pas évolue toutes
les semaines et vos pages web peuvent y être présentée...

A bientôt, toute l'équipe vous souhaite encore une très
bonne année.


Hello at all and Happy new year 2000.

The 7 th International festival of Sciences and Technologies will be
held in May 2000 we do not have the final dates yet this because of the
reservation of halls for the competitions.

You will be able to follow in the next days the publication of the
rules, on, following the meetings which proceeded in Moscow
last December.

the class monotype:

A significant modification compared to the other years; the platform
of the class monotype is not any more the same one. It is always possible
to be presented with the old platform in free class">">
You can to you provide it by addressing a mall to:

Open class:

A zone of navigation is envisaged like the year, but with more difficulties
and a search of more sophisticated navigation.

Class demonstration:

 In order to accommodate research projects which did not re-enter
in the various classes, this new class is created in order to introduce
teams which would not have were selected before.


About thirty teams already made application form of which; Mexico,
Russia, Korea, Singapore, Japan, the USA, Canada, and several countries
of the EEC.

Conferences and workshop:

The topic will be the NTIC (new communication and information technology)
if you have the wish to publish an article there or to take part in it
you can leave a mail on:

Thanks for agreeing to address your questions and your mails on;
and do not forget evolves/moves every week and your Web pages
can be  presented there...

So long,



8860 Thu, 6 Jan 2000 12:04:38 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Re: Biped Beam Bots Evan Dudzik well, i have a 5-motored 2 legged bot, in which one
motor would be like a knee, only facing backwards, and
the other would be a hip... like those big two legged
walker things in star wars (remember the ones that
hunted them in the woods???)... thats only four motors
(servos)... the fifth??? it goes at the top, and faces
straight up. affixed to the horn is one of those 4X
AA battery holders, in which two rows of 2 AA's are
side by side, so it is long... this way, no weight is
added to shift the center of gravity left and right
save that of the servo... no extra weight to lug
around...and the battery pack could be shifted closer
to being centered over the servo... if centered, when
rotated, it wouldnt shift the center of gravity left
or right... but if all the way out as you could put
it, it would practically tip the bot over. This would
make it easy to fine-tune the shifting of weight. the
feet would be little tripods of coathanger wire, with
rubber nubs on the end of each foot. The feet would
be wide enough so that they ALMOST touch in the middle
of the bot, so as to make as little weight as possible
necessary to shift... I might do that LATER when i
actually HAVE 5 servos...

--- Dane Gardner wrote:
> > When you place the tail between the legs then it
> will be impossible to let
> > the walker stand on one leg because the center of
> gravity will remain
> > between the legs.
> I didn't mean to leave it there. I meant for it to
> be able to swing outward
> (either forward or behind) from in between the legs.
> If you leave enough
> room...and don't want a could have the
> tail swing completely
> around the center of the body, in a vertical fasion.
> > Suppose the tail is behind the legs so it can
> swing
> > freely to the left or right. No then the whole
> center of gravity would be
> > so low that it will take a lot of efforts to get
> the robot stand on one
> > leg. The whole issue is center of gravity. The
> higher it is the easier it
> > is to shift it.
> Yes but a top heavy two leged bot would never be
> able to just sit still. I
> would have to be able to move constantly. And
> unless you build something in
> that allows the bot to get up from a fall, you would
> be condeming the bot to
> a lack of sleep.
> > Besides isn't a tail designed to prevent an
> animal/robot
> > from falling when the body bends forward towards
> the ground?
> Not only that. It helps it to get up without the
> help of arms and hands.
> > A can remember
> > a walker which had a rod mounted on the waist. The
> rod pointed upwards and
> > at the end of it there was a weight attached. By
> moving the rod the robot
> > could control the center of gravity. I have seen a
> video of this robot
> > walking and you could see very clearly how the rod
> controlled the balance.
> I'm just saying that unless you want a HUGE bot with
> a lot of body mass,
> you're going to end up with a really top heavy
> system.
> CYA,
> Dane

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8861 Thu, 6 Jan 2000 14:18:40 -0600 Re: Biped Beam Bots Dane Gardner [] > When you place the tail between the legs then it will be impossible to let
> the walker stand on one leg because the center of gravity will remain
> between the legs.

I didn't mean to leave it there. I meant for it to be able to swing outward
(either forward or behind) from in between the legs. If you leave enough
room...and don't want a could have the tail swing completely
around the center of the body, in a vertical fasion.
