Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #08651
From: Maynard
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 12:54:59 -0800
Subject: Choloroplast: Was FLED photovores
> I've still got a bunch of chloroplast printed circuit boards free to thos=
> who ask! Happy new year!
> =
> Craig
> =
> =
Hi Craig,
Les here, my students would be most grateful for any that you could spare. =
They are exclusively building chloroplast engines now, I've got them free =
forming in most cases but some have been whining for boards. They have bee=
n asking if I'd show them how to make their own, but I'm not sure how you'd=
feel about that as they are your design. Besides the etching tank needs r=
epair....... Geez, there's always something......
Thanks, Hope to see you at the games (Wilf and I were talking about driving=
out, we'll see.)
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
> I've still got a bunch of chloroplast=
printed =
circuit boards free to those
> who ask! Happy new year!
> Craig
Hi Craig,
Les here, my students would be most=
grateful =
for any that you could spare. They are exclusively building chloropla=
st =
engines now, I've got them free forming in most cases but some have be=
en =
whining for boards. They have been asking if I'd show them how to mak=
e =
their own, but I'm not sure how you'd feel about that as they are your =
design. Besides the etching tank needs repair....... Geez, ther=
e's =
always something......
Thanks, Hope to see you at the games (Wilf=
and I =
were talking about driving out, we'll see.)