Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08630

From: Senior
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 22:14:42 -0500
Subject: Re: Motors

> Well, I don't have a Jameco catalog, so if you'd like to tell me the
> specs for the motor from the catalog I could tell you.
> What I'd be interested in:
> - The voltage (3 volts obviously :)
> - The current draw (Something that involves 'ma' or 'Amps')
> - Size (Inches)
> Voltage is pretty important, as you can't get much movement out of a 30
> volt motor with a 5 volt walker circuit! Anything below 5 volts is fine.
> Current draw is more important. If your walker is using batteries, then
> your motors can draw as much as your batteries can give (Basically,
> almost infinite). However, your batteries will drain quickly. Therefore,
> a good motor will draw 50-100 ma, and a really good one will draw only 5
> ma. Good luck!
> Kyle
> Ben Kirk wrote:
> >
> > I am thinking of purchasing a few 3v motors from Jameco. I would like
> > know if anyone else has purchased these before. I want to use them for
> > walking BEAM bot. Will they work?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ben
