Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #08520
Date: Tuesday, 21 December 1999 10:40
Subject: Keeping things simple...
> I like the ideas about painting them white, and painting them half and
half etc. It would prove to be quite interesting, I'm sure.
> Since a lot (I think most) photovores use IR detectors (like Dave's
photopoppers), would it make sence to add an IR transmitter at the tail end
of the bots? This would kinda be like painting just the back white, but I
would think it would be easier for the bots to pick up. The IR LED would be
driven by the solar engines whoch drive the motors. They won't draw much
current, but the more light the bot is in, the more often the SEs would fire
and light up the LEDs. Now they aren't constantly on (like some of you
mentioned), and the bots would be attracted to the bot under the most light.
> I think that whoever is taking charge here (was it richard?) should put
up a web page with the main concept and ideas. Then we can have visuals and
he can update it with the newer better ideas.
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