Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08519

From: "Richard Caudle"
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 21:17:01 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Keeping things simple...

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> Hehe, that's a good question! What are we arguing for?! :)
> =

> wrote:
> > =

> > BTW, WHY exactly do the bots need to know how far away an obstacle is? =
Am I missing something?
> > =

> > Chris

Chris' question is almost exactly what started this whole thing 42+ posts a=
go. My point was that it's unnecessary to do that, because we don't even d=
o it. Things kinda went nuts from there. We did learn the difference betw=
een right-brained (analog) and left-brained (digital) thinking! :) =

One last thought: If Anthropomorphism is the humanization of non-human thi=
ngs, what is the non-humanization of human things? Progress?

Richard (Analog Kid)

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> Hehe, that's a good questio=
n! What =

are we arguing for?! :)
wrote: >> =

> > BTW, WHY exactly do the bots need to know how far away a=
n =

obstacle is? Am I missing something?
> >
> > =


Chris' question is almost exactl=
y what =

started this whole thing 42+ posts ago.  My point was that it's unnece=
ssary =

to do that, because we don't even do it.  Things kinda went nuts from =

there.  We did learn the difference between right-brained (analog) and=

left-brained (digital) thinking!  :) 


One last thought:  If =

Anthropomorphism is the humanization of non-human things, what is the =

non-humanization of human things?  Progress?


Richard (Analog =

