Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08478

From: Darrell Johnson
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 11:30:27 -0500
Subject: Re: Lets Hypothesise...

> Well, I'm not trying to say that we measure distances
> in units in our heads.. units are an abstraction. But
> in order to grab the cup, your brain tells your hand
> to move the distance between where your hand *was* to
> where the cup *is*.
> You say you remember *where* the cup is. If you look
> at it and look away, you have a pretty exact spatial
> map in your head of exactly where that cup is in
> space. Now, if while you were looking away, someone
> told you "I'm going to move the cup 2 feet to the
> left," you would probably not be able to reach out and
> grab it on the first try, since your internal map has
> now been destroyed, because your brain doesn't measure
> things in feet. (I'm here by myself, so I can't test
> this theory of mine, but is sounds good to me)
> How's that, a little clearer?
> --- Richard Caudle wrote:
> > Is that really calculating distances or just
> > remembering where the cup is?
> > I can give you very specific information as to where
> > several things are in
> > my house, car, and office. I can't tell you how far
> > away my oscilloscope
> > that sits on my desk at work is, but I can tell you
> > what it looks like where
> > it's sitting.
> =====
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