Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #08464
From: "Richard Caudle"
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 01:42:34 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Lets Hypothesise...
> Ok, here's a little experiment to try:
> Place an object on your desk.
> Look at it.
> Look away.
> While looking away, reach out and grab it.
Is that really calculating distances or just remembering where the cup is?
I can give you very specific information as to where several things are in
my house, car, and office. I can't tell you how far away my oscilloscope
that sits on my desk at work is, but I can tell you what it looks like where
it's sitting. Look away and grab it just tells me that your memory, like
mine, is photographic. Are we just trying to embue ourselves with
computerlike qualities? Thinking and doing are totally different things.
I'm not saying that I'm not wrong, just not convinced.
Oh yeah, I love a good arguement! No, you don't! Yes, I do!
Richard, the Bullheaded