Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08454

To: Beam Mailing List
From: Elmo
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:11:42 +1100
Subject: [alt-beam] Lets Hypothesise...

I need some distributed neck-top processing power to help me solve a
problem that i think can help take BEAM to the next evolutionary step.
It is holding my designs back and it seems to be the fundamental problem
with the "flocking" idea that is bouncing around at the moment.

QUESTION: How do you accurately measure the distance (and possibly
direction) between two robots (in millimeters or less resolution) in:

a) Air
b) Water
c) Space
d) All of the above


Ultra Sonic Sonar: Works in a) & b) but not in c)
IR Radar: Works in a) & c) but not very well in b)
Metal Detection: Works in d) but only with ferrite robots and only at
close ranges.
Microwave Length Radar*: Works in a) and c) but not very well in b)
Long Wave Length Radar*: Works in d)
Laser Range Finding: Works in a) and c) but attenuates quickly in b)

* Unfortunately requires lots of power

Any others? Comments?
Note that the solution doesn't necessarily have to work in all three

Elmo the brain stormer
