Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #08441

From: Bob Shannon
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 12:56:00 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: silicon VS SunCeram

There was some interest in this sort of thing when Vore-N-More was
first developed, but no one has reported duplicating one.

You can replace the 'fat' cap in Vore-n-More with a small rechargable cell,
the 75 ohm series resistor is enough to keep the SE's cycling.

Its amazing to see how well a photopopper can track a very distant, dim light
when its got some extra energy in its gut. wrote:

> In a message dated 12/18/99 3:20:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Now your robots get big and ugly.
> Not really the same thing, at least to me.
> > If you want to make big bots that only run outside in direct sunlight, then
> > go for the blue PV's.. They will kick ass, and really go fast. BUT take
> > them inside and prepare to be underwhelmed.
> But, lets put a second solar array onto that big ole' ugly bot. Let's hook
> that to a NiCad pack and devise a circuit to switch to the batteries when the
> light levels are less than optimal. You now have a bot that kicks ass in the
> sun, in the shade, in the house, and in the dark. I brought this up a few
> days ago, but interest seems light. I plan to pursue this line of thinking
> and will refer to the battery circuit as robotic fat. A bot without fat will,
> and do, die in lower light levels. They are complete corpses in the dark. If
> your bot is roaming around all day in bright sunlight, why not build up a
> secondary reserve to keep it going in more adverse conditions? Yes, it will
> be somewhat larger, but it's performance would be much improved. Of course,
> it would not fit ANY of the guidelines of the BEAM games, but it would out
> perform any bot entered. And, you could see interaction, even in little to no
> light, without the need for stop motion camera work. A bot that works in real
> time, all the time. Sounds good to me.
> See ya,
> Jim
> ICQ# 55657870
