Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07914

To: "''"
From: Wilf Rigter
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 21:05:07 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Okay, this is going to sound strange...

It sounds like a case of an I for an I and an Other for an Other. What =
you do, don't let Brutus near the glue gun! If you still have your =
about you, get rid of it _NOW_ and for god sake pull the curtains or =
be 9/1Richraaaarrrrghhhhh! =20

Wilf Rigter
tel: (604)590-7493=20
fax: (604)590-3411

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Caudle []
> Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 6:36 PM
> To: BEAM
> Subject: Okay, this is going to sound strange...
> _____ =20
> I've been building ChloroPoppers ever since I figured out how to do =
> (about five days).=A0 The two bots that I've made so far have very =
> 'behaviors'.=A0 8/2 Brutus had a nice long cycle that turned the =
> about 90+ degrees each firing.=A0 The OTHER had a short, rapid cycle
> (compared to 82B).=A0 Tonight I went a little crazy with my glue gun =
> glued the dickens out of poor 82B.=A0 Now it cycles like The OTHER =
> =A0
> So you're thinking that I've got two bots that fire relatively fast,
> right?=A0 Wrong!
> =A0
> The OTHER is now turning like 82B was!=A0 82B is now turning like The =
> was!=A0 I can't figure out what is going on.=A0 I don't think that =
I'm having
> a Psychotic Episode.=A0 Neither do I.=A0 Does anyone have any ideas =
for me?=A0
> Could it be that there's only so many photons to go around and The =
> is now gobbling more than 82B?
> =A0
> Please help keep me out of the loony bin!
> =A0
> Richard Caudle
> =
> Home ICQ - Frankendaddy
> _____ =20
> Guardians of the sacred words: Nee, Ptang, and =

7915 Mon, 22 Nov 1999 21:24:38 PST [alt-beam] two axis accelerometer (was: degrees of freedom) "Tom Edwards"
>To the contrary, it immediately gave me ideas about
>measuring the "attitude"
>of a "bothead". Roll is interesting since it
>requires a horizon (ie a line)
>as a reference instead of the point source required
>for pitch and yaw. So how would you do this?

perhaps the Analog Devices ADXL202 would work pretty
well for this. it is a two axis accelerometer with
duty cycle modulated outputs and isn't that what kind
of like what a bicore does? if you fill out their form
and get "registered" you can get them to send you a
sample part for free. if we could get someone to buy
1000 of them they would only be $16 or so apiece B-}

look at
where you will see things like
The ADXL202 is a low cost, low power, complete 2-axis
accelerometer with a measurement range of ±2 g. The
ADXL202 can measure both dynamic acceleration
(e.g., vibration) and static acceleration (e.g., gravity).

The outputs are Duty Cycle Modulated (DCM) signals whose
duty cycles (ratio of pulsewidth to period) are proportional
to the acceleration in each of the 2 sensitive axes.
some people are soldering these directly into 3COM palm pilots
so that they can play 'marble in a maze' games. tilt your palm
forward and the 'ball' falls forward, tilt it back and it falls
back, that kind of thing.



7916 Tue, 23 Nov 1999 23:55:43 -0600 [alt-beam] PSHead: Now on Display SG ok, my PShead is finished and ready for your comments.
It just doesn't have a name yet.
It is displayed at Elmo's page:

I couldn't get solar to werk so i ditched the cells and went to 4 AA
the servo has two battery boxes mounted on each side, with the circuit
inside the dome. the base is an instant coffee lid, painted black with
large bolts epoxyed inside for ballist.
I now know why i couldn't get solar to werk but I'll 'splain later.

It easily finds the brightest source of light in the room and locks on.
When locked it doesn't move until light changes or external stimuli come
into field of view.

Well, no way it follows my hand or a sheet of paper (like the famous video
on Darrell's page). UNLESS my hand cast a shadow over LDR, resulting in it
then moving the other way.
I don't see how light reflected off my hand or paper can be brighter than
the bulb it is looking at anyway. So... are the LDRs :
1.too sensitive? going directly to the light in the room
2. Not sensitive enuff, not being able to see light reflected from my hand
or a white sheet of paper
I'm not sure which.

but as far as looking for brightest source of light... like a MAGNET BABY!
ThanX WILF!!!!
oh yeahhhh...
the circuit i used is basically Darrell's original circuit with all the
solar stuff ripped out. You can find the modification on the sight listed
thanks for the display Elmo!
-Sparky out.
