Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07790

From: Simon
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:00:11 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: absorbpsion circuit or something

Richard Caudle wrote:

> I've had an idea cooking in my little bit of brain for about 10 years or
> so...Walkers that live in the area between the false ceiling of office
> buildings and the true ceiling. I have a voltage detector that indicates
> presence of 50V about 8 to 10 inches from the ends of flourescant tubes
> (lamps). I figured that there was some way to use that energy to trickle
> charge the 'bots during the day so that they could perform security and
> surveillance during the night (when the lights are off). Parasitic feeding
> in an abstract sense.
> Richard

Kind of creepy but very smart ! That's exactly the kind of thing I was
thinking about. There are a lot of (more or less) artificial energy sources in
our society. Lets find a way to use them.

About you wrote Jonah's:
yeah i know but there is still one problem.
the magnetic waves it is supposed to feed on has to have the same wave
length as the capacitor.......
it stood in a book and im not sure.
hey what if i use an variable capacitor like an radio tuner...........

I believe you are talking about the fact that for electromagnetic reception
the LC circuit has to be tuned to the correct frequency. That is correct but I
don't think you have to use the same cap to run the motor as the one you use
for reception.

Simon, Belgium.

Simon Vandemoortele
4th year Civil Engineering (Electronics)
Home: 21 Generaal Lotzstr., 1180 Brussel | 02/344.58.70
Kot: 80 Kerspelstr., 3001 Heverlee | 016/40.26.97
