Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07744

From: "Jaroslav 'Lord Slayer' Pelan"
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:51:39 MET-1MEST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: photopopper circuit revision???


> > one thing I don't like about making a photopopper is
> > the DUAL SE's that have to be freeformed. my question
> > is, why not use one SE and just have a simple circuit
> > that would allow the thing to decide which motor to
> > use with the photodiodes? I would try it, but I have
> > tried to do things like this that compare the two
> > inputs (from photodiodes), but they never worked. oh
> > well... maybe someone can help me out here?
> >
> Hi Evan,
> Seems to me someone did that already. Richard Caudle maybe. Don't remember.
> Don't remember how well it worked either.
> See ya,
> Jim

i saw some design using the lm386 opamp (is it?) on Jesse Meers`
page - can't remember the link now.

The EviL DaRKloRd SlaYEr

7745 Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:48:33 MET-1MEST [alt-beam] Re: BICORE POWER "Jaroslav 'Lord Slayer' Pelan" hello,

> Here is the offial specs from BEAM Tek:
> Chip type: AC HC C HCT
> Supply rating: 2-6 2-6 3-15 5
> -Kyle
could this be that my microcore didn`t work even after 10
breadboardings with 4,5 V battery (using 74HCT14). It just lit one
LED and thats everything. Could the floating pins be the problem?
I put together 4 caps, resistors and 4 schmitt invertors(and LEDS).
Is this supposed to work or not? I read something about a PNC.
Knowing little about it, could someone give me the right link?


The EviL DaRKloRd SlaYEr

7746 Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:05:35 MET-1MEST [alt-beam] Re: AGAIN - BICORE POWER "Jaroslav 'Lord Slayer' Pelan" Hello,
> Well, if i try 9V, will it kill the 3906/4s in the hbridge?
hmm, it depends - these are made for 60V and 0,2A roughly said.
So the voltage doesn't matter. Worse is the heating through high
currents- P=U*I - I think it's somewhere under 0.5W max. (i'm not
sure about this)
so you have 9V then the current should be 55mA max

The EviL DaRKloRd SlaYEr

7747 Tue, 16 Nov 1999 05:44:35 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Re: AGAIN - BICORE POWER Lee Golden I rigged up a 9V battery connector with a 78L05
voltage regulator to provide 5V/100ma to the Bicore on
my light-seeking head.

My page at:

shows how the connector was put together. It takes up
*very* little space and does the job... the only
drawback is 100ma max current output...

Lee Golden


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7748 Tue, 16 Nov 1999 09:01:38 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: AGAIN - BICORE POWER []On
I rigged up a 9V battery connector with a 78L05
voltage regulator to provide 5V/100ma to the Bicore on
my light-seeking head.

My page at:

shows how the connector was put together. It takes up
*very* little space and does the job... the only
drawback is 100ma max current output...

Lee Golden


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