Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07682

From: Thomas Pilgaard Nielsen
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 10:26:16 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BICORE POWER

Senior wrote:

> Well, your chips may be able to handle it but I think it would be safe
> to say
> Hope you get this in time cuz you might be havin' fried chips for dinner
> :)
> However, if you'd like to use 9v you can use a voltage regulator. I'm
> at a total mind block as to part numbers right now... If I could
> remember I'd tell you how to hook it up and everything. Anyone wanna
> help out?

I've got a 5V regulator oafa local retailer. The part is called MC78L and is
a small transistor type package. I've hooked it up to a 9V battery 'pad' by
disconnecting the positive cord from the pad. Then connecting the leftmost
pin (text on the transistor facing you) to the positive cord (not the
positive pad), the middle pin goes to the negative pad (where the negative
cord is also soldered to) and the roghtmost pin to ground (the pad where the
negative coord used to be). It works perfectly and is quite robust.

Mind you this is on a european type 9V battery which is somewhat different
looking than american ones. However, there should be no other way to connect
the device to the battery.

Hope this will help you out.


Thomas, Denmark

"Fremtidens computere vejer maaske ikke mere end halvandet ton."
Popular Mechanics 1949
