Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07668

From: (Michael Hirtle)
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 11:50:40 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Tilden as a BEAM bot

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You could go out an buy a beany with a propeller and where that :-) wrote:

> I guess I could go out and
> buy a derby..., Nah, I like my fedora made in Mexico. We'll all just have to
> deal with it :).
> See ya,
> Jim
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You could go out an buy a beany with a propeller and where that :-) wrote:

 I guess I could go out and

buy a derby..., Nah, I like my fedora made in Mexico. We'll all just
have to

deal with it :).

See ya,



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7669 Sun, 14 Nov 1999 19:22:41 +0100 [alt-beam] Re: YOUR LIST NEEDS YOU...... YES YOU... get active and RESPOND Simon Thomas Pilgaard Nielsen wrote:

> I think it is a great idea :)
> Would it be an idea to standardise the performance issue to make it more comparable?
> IMHO it would be interesting to see the peak performance power the bot can deliver.
> So if we could agree on a standard test to perform on the bot - say for instance the
> time it takes for a photovore to pop when directly placed beneath a 100W bulb and
> the distance travelled (and how would one measure that since only one motor fires?).
> I realise that peak perfomance would probably be reached when placed in direct
> sunlight, but then we've got the angle of the sun to account for since the Sun
> doesn't really get that high during wintertime in Denmark for instance.
> Regards and lots of cheers to a great list.
> Thomas, Denmark

Thomas is right; it's the only way to get reliable and comparable information.
Considering the work that will go into this list we might as well make it as useful as
we can.
Now comes the difficult part of deciding which tests should be done ...

Simon, Belgium.

Simon Vandemoortele
4th year Civil Engineering (Electronics)
Home: 21 Generaal Lotzstr., 1180 Brussel | 02/344.58.70
Kot: 80 Kerspelstr., 3001 Heverlee | 016/40.26.97
