Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07562

From: "Rik Marshall"
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 10:11:27 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: It's ALIVE....Good News From The PSH Group


please lemme know when you post the schems and details....

im WAY behind on this project...and looking forward to getting started!!!!



7563 Thu, 11 Nov 1999 13:20:09 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: Head tutorial posted. Victor Snesarev Oh, by all means. Please do.

I don't oppose there being a lot of personal BEAM pages, what I would
like to see is a couple of big sites that consolidate that information
either by (preferably) copying it or linking it.

If I ever write anything up, I will submit it to the list, like Wilf has
done, and ask whoever possible to post it on their site, instead of
creating a website containing just my data which would sparsely span
over a large spectrum of topics. That way any given BEAM site would
cover a given topic more completely.


P.S. I'm trying to figure out how to convert the DOC file of the PS Head
writeup to PDF without having to buy Acrobat. As soon as I do, I'll put
it on the temp site (I won't replace the DOC and the HTML), so people
can lift it from there instead of me sending it to the list. If any of
you have a pointer to a program that would do that, please e-mail

Evan Dudzik wrote:

> can i put it on my page?
> --- Victor Snesarev wrote:
> > I've registered for a temporary page on geocities,
> > and uploaded the
> > Power Smart Head tutorial there. I do not want to
> > create another BEAM
> > site. I would rather see this tutorial posted on
> > Beam-Online or other
> > big BEAM sites, so copy the .htm file and all the
> > images into a
> > directory and view it locally, or print the thing
> > out; it might not be
> > on the site when you return.
> >
> >
> >
> > Victor
> >
> >
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