Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07558

From: Evan Dudzik
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:14:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Head tutorial posted.

can i put it on my page?

--- Victor Snesarev wrote:
> I've registered for a temporary page on geocities,
> and uploaded the
> Power Smart Head tutorial there. I do not want to
> create another BEAM
> site. I would rather see this tutorial posted on
> Beam-Online or other
> big BEAM sites, so copy the .htm file and all the
> images into a
> directory and view it locally, or print the thing
> out; it might not be
> on the site when you return.
> Victor

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

7559 Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:21:18 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Re: Evan Dudzik i think they are too small, and that makes some things
disappear to some people. hmm... well, i finished the
photopopper, and it works AWESOME!!! it is as thin as
i had hoped... it is really thin!!!

--- Jim Cook wrote:
> >okay, I made a photopopper from my own tutorial...
> it
> >seems to work with the right motor, but the left
> motor
> >has that buzzing noise to it. I went to chiu's
> >tutorial, and looked at the troubleshooting part,
> and
> >it led me to believe that the 3906 was the
> problem...
> >I will redo the solder joints tomorrow(too much
> >soldering tonight aaagggh!) but in the meantime,
> does
> >anyone want to please check the connections on my
> >tutorial to make sure it is correct? thanks.
> >
> I went to your page and couldn't see the graphic of
> the conections...the
> were scrathed or lined kinda funny...
> Sincerely,
> Jim Cook

7560 Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:24:30 -0800 (PST) [alt-beam] Re: Please submit your site Evan Dudzik Ian, i have a photopopper tutorial...

--- Ian wrote:
> Hi all
> I have been seeing allot of questions about
> tutorials and other information
> that already exists! So as going with the "BEAM
> Online - The Yahoo of BEAM"
> I would like everyone to submit sites to me. Either
> your own or someone
> else's. I want only direct links so if you know a
> site with say a photovore
> tutorial or good info and a certain robot give me
> the direct URL to that
> page and not the main page or that site (those go
> into my links page). Also
> so it's easier for me please let me know what
> category it needs to go in.
> To submit I need....
> Direct URL
> Category
> How do I know if I should submit a page? If you
> think the page would be
> useful. Submit it.
> Thanks
> BTW: Make sure you reply only to me and not the
> whole list.
> --------
> There is only one true "SyNeT"
> BEAM Online -
> Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

7561 Thu, 11 Nov 1999 10:20:09 -0800 [alt-beam] Crawling Head

I had some thoughts after reading Wilf's articals on
his uCrawler and the P.S.Head.

First,why not build a head with a servo modified in the same
way as for the uCrawler and mont it on a uCrawler.Then instead
of the LDR or photo diodes,use the pot in the Head servo to
provide the correction ignal to turn the bot.
Since the head could respond more quickly to movement of light
source I would imagine that this would allow the critter to
better seak and find the brightest light source.

Second,slave a chain of three or five Bicores to the uCrawler
and alternate the way the leg function,

Might make an interestig creature.

What do you think Wilf or anyone else for that matter,

So long,
