Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #07488
From: Greg Powell
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:06:45 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] solar engine
perhaps I am ignorant but I am having trouble getting my SEs to work. I have
breadboarded a 1381 a dozen times with different trannies and none of them
worked properly. With a 1F cap in my 1381 J SE the cap charged to around 2.7
volts and then froze. The pager motor just buzzes. If I replace the cap with
a 4700uF then it seems to work.
I also tried breadboarding the DI SE for nightime use. I used an N-channel
MOSFET, not the 2N7000. It did not work. I can only assume that is has to do
with the MOSFET but that does not make sense. The MOSFET I subsituted has
seemingly correct specifications.
any clues would be much appreciated,