Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07480

Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 20:20:09 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Prefrances on Tutorials

uhmmm i would appreciate tutorials about the different types of se's and some
ways to integrate them into beam circuits... (such as which one is best for
photovore/solar roller...)

7481 Tue, 09 Nov 1993 19:58:02 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: solar head questions.. SG At 07:07 PM 11/9/99 -0600, you wrote:
>> 1.what motor driver?
>my pm needs like 40mA
>and would prefer 80mA or so. so i attached a 245 driver le bit helps.

yup! there are about four of us i think that can't get enuff juice to
power a pager motor.
the problem is: where to attach + and - of a motor driver? They quickly or
immediatly drain the storage cap.

>my problem was that when the motor turns, the fled is soupposed to turn off.

well, i think the FLED stays "ON" when the circuit is on. wether motors are
running or not.
it indicates the cap is discharging.

>> 3.That certain component wouldn't be pin 6 and 8 of the HC240?

i bet it's the diode on the 1381L. grnding that or touching it always
activates my indicator FLED. Elmo told me why, but i fergit!

so, we got our solarPSHEads to werk an indicator light and LEDS at the
motor outputs when LDR's are manupulated accordingly.

Wilf suggestts in his tutorial we take off the solar part, and do the top
part of the circuit with batteries. tweaking out the resitor values (on
the pots).

guess thats what i gotta do. cause i got nuthin from a dinky P moter. Just
two FLED's with their polarity switched at the Motor outputs. and i can
watch the think blink.
thats about it.
soooo.. i guess we go with batteries then?
seems to be the only way to attach a motor driver.
