Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07411

From: Senior
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 20:11:46 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Cleaner Robots

That's sort of what happens...
Here's the whole schmole:
It has tactile sensors which back up the opposite wheel breifly for
about a 30 degree turn away from what it hit.
It's IR sensor aimed at the front only, with a 6" range, turns the bot
90 degrees around on of it's wheels (It stops one wheel for a while).
Now the memory comes in. When it hits or sees something, it stores which
general direction it went in it a flip flop type thing. Then, when it
sees something later, and needs to turn around, it turns in the opposite
direction of what was stored. So, if it hits a wall on the left, it
makes sure it turns around to the right next time it turns around so it
doesn't hit that wall again. Or, when it turns around to the left, if it
turned around to the left again it would just go in a circle. INstead,
it goes to the right next time, for maximum converage.

Here are some tables to make it more clear:
When left bumper hits:
Left Motor: Keep going
Right Motor: Stop for a second or so
Memory: Right

When right bumper hits:
Left Motor: Stop for a second or so
Right Motor: Keep going
Memory: Left

When IR sees something in front (Turn around):
If Memory=left
Right motor: Keep going
Left Motor: Stop for longer
Memory: Left



Chia wrote:
> Interesting...
> how bout insetead of randomly, why don't you go such that:
> Bot goes along
> bumps into somehing
> 90 deg. turn
> goes straight for the lenght of the bot
> 90 deg. turn in same direction
> loop back to top
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Chia:

7412 Fri, 05 Nov 1999 20:30:02 PST [alt-beam] Re: CONTEST "Timothy Flytcher" Evan, Count me in :)


7413 Fri, 05 Nov 1999 22:26:25 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: Cleaner Robots Ian Hey

> Interesting...
> how bout insetead of randomly, why don't you go such that:
> Bot goes along
> bumps into somehing
> 90 deg. turn
> goes straight for the lenght of the bot
> 90 deg. turn in same direction
> loop back to top
How about a digital compass and GPS?
I'm working on a project now where we're going to have 2 walking robots. On=
BEAM and the other HC11 microcontroller. Our first goal is to mainly just
get them walking on their own with a few basic sensors like tactile and IR.
We will then hook up the rotating head which sits on the front of the bot
and contains most of the sensors to help the body track light. (from this
point on we're not exactly sure what we're going to do. We may then try to
get the sonar working and hook up a digital compass. Our next goal will be
to get them to communicate with each other and create some sort of
cooperative behavior like "you go that way, I'll go this way" in search of =
stronger light source. Just to let you know we finished the basic BEAM
walker today.
An idea I had would be to have 2 cooperating bots that as an example would
seek light. But the cool thing would be that each one only had one light
sensor. They could use a compass to find out which direction they're facing
and compare the light levels of the two to find the brightest source.


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