Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07149

From: Mark Dalton
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:08:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Micro Motors, Skitters, and BeetleBots

Look.. lets get off this silly stuff, and move to _TECHNICAL_ issues.

If you are _honest_ you will not be affected in general. If you actually
intend to sell, just ask the individual (versus getting opinions of people
that don't know).

Please again.. This list is for technical Robotics issues (not copyright
and patent law).

Please get back on focus, if you have questions.. take it off-line.

We have repeated this message on this specific subject numerous times.
All-in-all.. Be honest, respectful and ask the owners, not the list.
(No one is out to get you or out to make billions [all though that would
be nice], but rather anyone I know, is out to learn, develop new technology
and stop people from taking the technology away, so no one can use it).


> >>What makes you think the 'popper' design was ever protected by a patent?
> >
> >Popper design doesn't have to be. It's _copyright_. But that only applies
> >if they use the same circuit...
> So how different does it have to be? Just different values or a =
> slight modification to the circuit? Or more?
> Laterz
> --------
> There is only one true "SyNeT"
> BEAM Online -
Mark Dalton CH3-S-CH2 H H O H
Silicon Graphics, Inc. | | | \ |
Eagan, MN 55121 CH2-C-COO //\ ---C--CH2-C-COO C-CH2-C-COO | | || || | // |
NH3 \\/ \ / CH NH3 O NH3
My home page:
Cell Biology:

7150 Sat, 30 Oct 1993 19:24:48 -0500 [alt-beam] 4 legged Walker-proven design SG

this is the older proven design
of walker that seems to werk.


Attachment: mpr8a.jpg



7151 Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:23:23 -0400 Re: Micro Motors, Skitters, and BeetleBots Ian Bernstein
>>What makes you think the 'popper' design was ever protected by a patent?
>Popper design doesn't have to be. It's _copyright_. But that only applies
>if they use the same circuit...
So how different does it have to be? Just different values or a slight
modification to the circuit? Or more?


There is only one true "SyNeT"
BEAM Online -

| DISCLAIMER: The above expressed views are not necessarily |
| that of the author. In fact, he disclaims all knowledge of |
| his statements and rebutes his own stated beliefs. That said, |
| his recommendation: "Take my words to heart." |
