Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07128

From: Jean auBois
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:27:20 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Micro Motors, Skitters, and BeetleBots

Are these people knock-off artists? With regard to the BeetleBot (oh deary
me, forgot the (tm) there), the only obviously unique difference is that
they are using a generally circular PC board.

If I happen to be offending anyone with this post, pray hold me either (a)
forgiven or (b) confused as you wish...


7129 Fri, 29 Oct 1999 02:11:39 -0400 [alt-beam] Re: Micro Motors, Skitters, and BeetleBots George Rix > Are these people knock-off artists? With regard to the BeetleBot (oh dea=
> me, forgot the (tm) there), the only obviously unique difference is that
> they are using a generally circular PC board.
It would appear so.
Well, Mark, if you're reading this, I'm not given to profanity, but give 'e=
> If I happen to be offending anyone with this post, pray hold me either (a=
> forgiven or (b) confused as you wish...
Well, I, for one, doubt that they'll get very far with those.
Not very far at all.
Peace out!

Rob Rix

Don't take a walk, climb a tree =8B an ancient truism, invented last week.
