Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #07107
From: Evan Dudzik
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:30:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] photodiode question!!!!!!
what is the range of resistances for a standard
photodiode (the black ones seen on many photopoppers,
the are almost like a half circle)???? (ie what is
the lowest resistance (light) and what is the highest
resistance (dark)???)
|Photovores online! |
|Evandude Dudzik |
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7108 Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:53:56 -0700 (PDT) [alt-beam] Re: photodiode question!!!!!! Greg Powell The photodiode specifications are available on the Solarbotics page.
the sensor IR1 Siemens SFH 205f wide field of view infrared Photodiode
detector datasheet is available as a link. I would suggest saving the file
onto your computer and then printing it from Acrobat .pdf reader. Or just
obtain the neccessary spects from the sheet.
Greg Powell
7109 Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:36:19 PDT [alt-beam] Car bot's "Jim Cook" A really stupid question...
I was just wondering who is the "inventor" of the car bot?
I have made a few and would like to make a page for them but want to give
proper credit. If there are no legal restrictions on making my page that is.
Jim Cook
7110 Thu, 28 Oct 99 02:47:42 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Car bot's Ian Bernstein Hey
>I was just wondering who is the "inventor" of the car bot?
The first time I heard the name "CarBot" was on Jim's site
If you were
just refering to bots that go in cars I made one a long time before Jim
that hung on the review mirror and spun really fast (theres photos on my
web site somewhere). There might of been others before "spinner" but I'm
not sure.
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