Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07099

From: Senior
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:08:39 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Solar Engine Question REVISED

Oh, in case you didn't understand "tolerance":

Even though your resistors may be marked as 100K (Or whatever), they
really AREN'T 100K, they differ by a bit. So you're engines are going to
differ, no matter what. Try swapping different parts out of the one that
doesn't perform as well untill it does. My .02...

Rik wrote:
> here's the deal ....
> is it normal for 2 - 1381 'j' solar engines made from the same batch of
> parts to trigger at different times? .... ALL PARTS ARE THE SAME IN BOTH
> (same size caps...same resistors..etc)
> in the sun..they both are very active .... but when in the house .. under a
> lamp ... one of them triggers pretty regularly..while the other wont trigger
> at all!!!!..THE SYMET TRIGGERS / THE ROLLER WONT ...BUT like i said...out
> side..or on window sill .... they both work fine .....
> Just wondering....any input would be appreciated...
> heres a link to the bots in question
> Thanks
> -Rik

7100 Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:19:24 GMT [alt-beam] A few questions "Steve M" Okay, I'm a newbie, so bear with me. I have a few unrelated questions that I
thought some of you could help me with.
1) I'm building a photovore, (using Chui's tutorial) and I was wondering,
which lead is the wiper on a potentiometer block? There are three leads and
by looking at the schematic it is pretty obvious to see where the middle
lead connects, but are the other two inter-changeable?
2) Just what exactly does a Digital Multi-meter do?
Thanks in advance,


7101 Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:35:38 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: Solar Engine Question REVISED "Rik" ok... i get it!!!

im gonna leave 'em as is ... that's what makes them unique!

thanks for the explination!

