Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #07095
From: PLA Turd
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:26:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] My new site
I finally made a web site. It's not the best one out
there, but it's not bad. All the links are dead at
the moment. I'm hoping to get about 75% of it up and
running by the end of the weekend. Right now only
about 10% is running. Just go and take a peek and
tell me what you think. Get back to me with any
comments you got.
It's at
Domo Arigato!!
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
7096 Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:23:26 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Solar Engine Question Senior Well... Knowing 1381's it's probably not normal but I am most likely
wrong. The difference between the two resistors may be causing it (No
one's perfect!), and are you _SURE_ they are exactly alike, and that
both are made correctly? It's probably differences in either cap size or
resistor or both.
Happy beaming,
Rik wrote:
> here's the deal ....
> is it normal for 2 - 1381 'j' solar engines made from the same batch of
> parts to trigger at different times?
> in the sun..they both are very active .... but when in the house .. under a
> lamp ... one of them triggers pretty regularly..while the other wont trigger
> at all!!!!
> Just wondering....any input would be appreciated...
> heres a link to the bots in question
> Thanks
> -Rik
7097 Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:50:10 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: Solar Engine Question REVISED "Rik" here's the deal ....
is it normal for 2 - 1381 'j' solar engines made from the same batch of
parts to trigger at different times? .... ALL PARTS ARE THE SAME IN BOTH
(same size caps...same resistors..etc)
in the sun..they both are very active .... but when in the house .. under a
lamp ... one of them triggers pretty regularly..while the other wont trigger
at all!!!!..THE SYMET TRIGGERS / THE ROLLER WONT ...BUT like i said...out
side..or on window sill .... they both work fine .....
Just wondering....any input would be appreciated...
heres a link to the bots in question