Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07031

Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 17:54:12 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] walker torque

Hi All

I just completed my first walker using the Miller microcore/74xx245
curcuit an a couple of R/C servos. It walks fine but the servos seem to
lack some torque. I first tested the mechanics using unmodified servos
and my R/C gear and it seems like I had more motor torque back then.

I haved stacked up to 3 74HC245 but are they delivering the current
needed to get the torque? Should I use the Zoelen solution with a
74hc139 and some H-bridges instead? Please let me know.

BTW I took the walker to work and showed it to my colleagues. I am now
branded as the dept. Nerd. Don't mind though - I'm having more fun than
they are =A7:~)
