Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #07030

From: Sean Rigter
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 15:32:07 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: James Watt's sculpture, jewelry, and bots.

Hi James,

Have a peek at the ZX97lite which is a stripped down version.

I worked with Rodney Knaap to adapt the ZX97 to fit on a single sided PCB.
Additional memory and I/O are connected via a flex cable on the expansion bus.
I also have several designs, including a 6 chip version, of the EZ80
controller (no video, blank slate OS, 24 I/O, 32K nonvolatile memory) which is
programmed via a PC printer port. When loaded with modified ZX81 rom code,
control programs written in ZX Basic will execute on power up.



James G Watt wrote:

> In article <1118137B823BD1118C8E006097A7983E305B44@server2.powertech.bc.
> ca>, Wilf Rigter writes
> > It is
> >backward compatible with the ZX81, still B/W but now includes a 512K
> >nonvolatile RAMDISK, lot's of graphics modes and plenty of I/O. Implemented
> >with CMOS Z80, memory chips
> Very cool :-) I want one.
> That robot hand thing on my web page is actually controlled via my ZX
> Spectrum.
> >and 18 other 74HC chips, the power supply
> >current is a cool 40mA at 6V which makes it possible to run off solar power!
> Don't think that'd be an option here in 'Sunny Glasgow' (Scotland).
> --
> James G Watt
> Part of the Video Arcade Game Collectors WebRing.
> You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different.
