Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #06952

From: "John A. deVries II"
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:09:54 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Patent (was: Tilden on PBS)

At 02:47 PM 10/20/99 , wrote:
>In a message dated 10/20/99 4:32:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:

>> Or the ony
>> time this tech will flourish is when it becomes public dominon.
>Perhaps that is why the patent was allowed to expire. It ain't like we got an
>open dialogue going here!

I recall a note (perhaps hearsay) from Mr. Tilden stating that he had
believed that his people (one presumes a patent attorney) were properly
dealing with the patent renewal. His statement seemed to express surprise,
not some sort of beneficent intent.

In any case, I don't think we ought to presume it has expired without
convincing evidence to that effect. I realize that Mark isn't likely to
tell us and I, for one, wouldn't know how to find out for sure so unless
someone DOES know how to find out and DOES find out I reckon the status quo
ought to be maintained.


John A. deVries II

6953 Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:57:54 PDT [alt-beam] Gearmotors??? "Pete McCarthy" Hello Everyone,

I am planning on creating a walker like the one on Andrew Miller's site and
I am confused about gear motors. Exactly what should I look for in
gearmotors? I know that BG Micro Motors are reliable but $30 for one is a
little too high and there are far too many gearmotors out there. If anyone
can clue me in on this or tell me where I can find a source, it would be
very helpful.



6954 Wed, 20 Oct 1999 19:43:20 -0500 [alt-beam] Re: Tilden on PBS Brad Guillot opps, I did not know that the patnet expired wrote:
> In a message dated 10/20/99 4:32:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > HMM... The hobbyists seem to be the only people willing or able to
> > expermint more with this tech. hobbyists are the only ones trying to
> > get some tyoe of useful behivior out of these macines.
> Yup, and yup.
> > The patnet
> > restricts the sale them for useful or profitable applications.
> Nope. It expired some time ago. What it was, or what it restricted, is a
> topic best left off the list. Ruffles to many feathers.
> > It seems
> > that if Mr. T told everyone about new circuits and tech, it might, in
> > the end, be more profitabe to him, being the patnet holder.
> Would be anyway, patent or no patent. If someone comes up with a multimillion
> dollar design, honesty would dictate that the designer give Mr. T. his share
> if it relies heavily on BEAM circuits. The same would apply to Wilf's
> circuits or Terry Newton's circuits, or Craig Maynard's circuits. Mr. T.
> doesn't ask for all that much anyway.
> > Or the ony
> > time this tech will flourish is when it becomes public dominon.
> Perhaps that is why the patent was allowed to expire. It ain't like we got an
> open dialogue going here!
> See ya,
> Jim
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6955 Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:44:38 -0400 [alt-beam] Re: Tilden on PBS "Chris" <> Why does every one think Germans are so advanced at engineering? Das BEAM stuffe ist toll! thats some of my limited german vocab... How come I never get to see tilden on PBS, I got to stop watching the porno at night. Someone tell me next time its on.

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 22:39:30 +0200 Arno Jansen wrote:
>That's actually what I meant, but I wanted it to say a bit more nicely. And
>indeed, I DO love the tech, I don't have as much fun in building, well
>because you know.... the parts thing...hehe But eh! There are a few Beaming
>Dutchmen which have been able to build a few bots, so why shouldn't be able
>to do it....right???? Yeah right.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On
>Behalf Of
>Sent: woensdag 20 oktober 1999 20:50
>Subject: Re: Tilden on PBS
>In a message dated 10/20/99 10:36:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> But if Tilden broke through something, he wouldn't let us know
>> until some very thorough research has been done. Or am I wrong on this?
>Actually, he wouldn't let us know at all. We're just the people who love the
>tech and love to build. He doesn't divulge any info to the likes of us. He
>waits until he can address the techniques to someone very important in the
>scientific community. Like a producer of documentaries for the Discovery
>Sorry, but this string has dredged up some sore spots that just get more

6956 Wed, 20 Oct 1999 22:05:58 -0300 [alt-beam] Re: Tilden on PBS (Michael Hirtle) I have actualy seen 2 good turbot tutorials on the net, but i don't quiet rember
where they are and would have to do a lot of diging to find them again

Jim Taylor wrote:

> Yeah I caught that last night, totaly unexpected too. Nothing was on, so I
> resorted to watching PBS :) Anyway I doubt you'll find a tutorial to build
> anything more then a 2 motor walker, photovore, or symet on the net. I'm
> working on an advanced turbot tutorial. I'm not sure as to when it will be
> completed. As far as merging heads and walkers, their has been a schamatic
> posted to the list within the last year of a head meachanism which would
> infulence the walking gait of the walker to which it was attached. I think
> mark used mechanical switches on the back of stryders neck to influence the
> gait. Dave mentioned it in a chat once.
> James Taylor
> URL:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Arno Jansen
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 10:27 AM
> Subject: RE: Tilden on PBS
> > Nope,
> >
> > Didn't catch it, maybe because in Holland we don't have PBS. And about a
> > breakthrough. I haven't seen a walker with head yet. But of course it is
> > possible. But if Tilden broke through something, he wouldn't let us know
> > until some very thorough research has been done. Or am I wrong on this?
> >
> > Arno
> >
> > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> > Van:
> > []namens Phillip A. Ryals
> > Verzonden: woensdag 20 oktober 1999 15:42
> > Aan: Beam@Sgiblab. Sgi. Com
> > Onderwerp: Tilden on PBS
> >
> >
> > I was watching "Voyage to the Milky Way" last night on PBS and they had a
> 5
> > or 10 minute spot on Mark Tilden and some of his robots. Anyone else
> catch
> > it?
> >
> > Anyway, they showed Stryder walking around, then they showed another
> > Stryder-like bot that was about 3 feet tall. Now I know what I'm working
> > toward building! That thing just rocked. But I haven't been able to find
> > much info about it.
> >
> > Are there any tutorials on making one?(The smaller version, that is.)
> >
> > My biggest question about the four motor walkers is: Do they have a
> definite
> > front, or can they walk in any direction?
> >
> > Also, he mentioned on the show that there was a recent "breakthrough" on
> > integrating a head onto a walker. Um, I thought everyone was still lost
> in
> > that area.
> >
> >
> > Any help/clarifications would be helpful/clarifying. :)
> >
> >
> > par
> >
> >
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