Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #06928

From: SG
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:50:18 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: What The...! My Bot Is On Drugs!

Thanks Wilf!
I mistakinly interpeted motors running "longer"
as "more power" and was actually thinking of a referance i read
a while back, thus misinterpeting my "HT" information...
I think I'll stick with HCT rather than increase my voltage
(already running at 4.8V) i kinda like the speed, even thuough the steps
arn't that high. (Making motors run longer with the HC WAS really kewl
looking though!)
right now Lotus runs at 5 feet in 12 secs, or 1 foot per 2.4 secs
hmmm. now how many miles an hour is that... lets see...

At 09:14 PM 10/19/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I know I'm repeating myself Sparky but then you asked for it: HC
>bicores are and always have been slower than HCT bicores. Perfectly
>predictable and I could tell you exactly why in detail but read it for
>yourself in the archive. The motors run longer in each direction and you
>get higher "slo mo" steps. So how to speed things up and get the big
>steps to boot? Reduce the resistors and increase the voltage.
>Now the battery: Was it hot after the 5 minute discharge?
>SG wrote:
>> Ok, i was havin a little troouble with an h-bridge that kept
>> burning out, so i decided to approach the problem in a
>> different way.
>> I have been using the 74HCT240 for my Master/Slave Bicore
>> (Ian's "Compleate Walker Circuit") and read somewhere that
>> the AC or HC was preferable over the HCT. so i ordered a
>> few 74HC240's from bgMicro. (couldn't find the AC's)
>> well, i popped one in there and WOAAAA MOMMMA!
>> what the heck is happinin??!!????! MY BOT IS ON DRUGS!!!!
>> the steps were MUCH higher, but the whole bot ran like
>> it was in a slow motion movie.... had to adjust a pot i had on the
>> front servo to get the walking gait straight. Every few
>> strides the bot would stop alltogether for about 2 secs.
>> after about five mins of playing around and trying to
>> tweak it, the thing RAN DOWN my fully charged battery!
>> (I was mad too! cause these things take 14 hrs to charge,
>> and now i can't play with my bot anymore tonight cause i
>> didn't charge up my spare!)
>> What happened? i sure don't know! the new HC's i have are numbered
>> SN74HC240N
>> (hmmmm.. a few extra letters there...)
>> weird man weird. ...bummer.
>> -Sparky
