If anyone is interested in these just sa=
y so!!! =
Now I have designs for Hx 1.0 , Dx 1.1 and a Bc 1 (bicore) board.<=
I also made a SMD version of the Hx and =
Dx =
I'd like as many people as possible to s=
ee them =
and t say what they think of them because I'm still not sure if =
are 100% correct.
These boards shoud be double sided. Both=
sides =
are the same.
I don't know if this is legal because th=
ese =
designs are those I found on someone's site.
Can someone help me with the =
I'm just building a 2 motor walker and t=
he brain =
is still on the breadboard. It seems that motors aren't getting enough =
They don't movelike I've seen on other w=
alkers. =
They move to lazy and when I take the shaft with my fingers I can feel th=
at =
the motor is realy weak. I use small gea=
red =
motors that I found at Conrad.
I've tryed vith the servos too, but then=
happens =
nothing. Microcore does not have enough power to move servo at =
Then I connected the H-bridge to dr=
ive the =
motors.........,,,,but stil nothing happens !!!!
Sometimes microcore resets itself (I mea=
n LEDs =
flash with no order).
What could be the problem? Is it possibl=
e that =
all this happens because I use HCT chips instead of HC or AC =
Please help me or tell if you are intere=
sted in =
size=3D2> =
p; =