Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #06903

From: Dave Hrynkiw
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:20:25 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Testing On the BreadBoard with out cell-how

At 01:11 PM 10/19/99 , Michael Hirtle wrote:
>How about u Dave u haven't shaired any of your stupid mistakes yet?

Ummm... I sliced open my pinky washing dishes once.

Sorry, but I haven't pulled any notable boners! But I can tell you about
many I've witnessed at workshops. Like one kid getting _5_ burns in one
day... One gettng a bit of wire in the eye when snipping and NOT wearing
the manditory glasses...

That sort of stuff.

"Um, no - that's H,R,Y,N,K,I,W. No, not K,I,U,U, K,I,_W_. Yes,
that's right. Yes, I know it looks like "HOCKYRINK." Yup, only
2 vowels. Pronounciation? _SMITH_".

6904 Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:56:35 -0300 [alt-beam] taser "" (Michael Hirtle) any got some scymatics for a taser, it would be a sort of neet thing to
have :-)
