Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #06860
From: "Jim Cook"
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:27:03 PDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Moss Spore V1.0 An easy attempt at a BEAM plant.
I finally have it up and running=85Moss Spore is the very cheesy nam=
e I=20
gave to my first beam plant. I call it moss because it is the first=20
evolutionary step in the plant world. What V1.0 is, is a solar roller wit=
the solar cells attached to a stationary stand. The leads feed into the=20
capacitor on the SE that is on the solar roller. When the SE triggers the=
solar roller takes off. I might add a matchbox car track keep spore going=
In V2.0 I want to have a D1 on the stand and wish to =93tether=94 t=
solar roller around the stand on a set of positive and negative rails.
Jim Cook
(being updated)
6861 Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:26:33 -0700 (PDT) [alt-beam] Re: I am a dreamer (WAS: Radio Communications) Evan Dudzik I dont really know that many people that DONT do that,
i did it. still do. oh well. you'll soon realize how
hard it is to get geared motors.
--- Arno Jansen wrote:
> Hmmm, I keep dreaming about communicating scrapbugs.
> Combining heads with
> walkers etc. But I still have to finish my first
> (*?$%&* photopopper. No
> parts you know...
> Well, I am sorry to spoil you bandwidth with this
> message, but I get quite
> frustrated.....>:-(
> Best,
> Arno
Do You Yahoo!?
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6862 Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:42:26 -0700 (PDT) [alt-beam] head/walker interface idea Evan Dudzik
here goes. just have a head mounted on a walker, that
just functions on its own. put two touch sensors on
the walker, one on each side of the head, so that when
the head turns a certain distance either way, it
touches one of the sensors and makes the walker
respond . (probably making it turn, duh!) this way,
the walker and head will be completely separate until
the head is WAY turned one way. the bot will not
track light all the time, just stay in the general
vicinity of it. oh well.
Do You Yahoo!?
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6863 Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:50:48 -0700 (PDT) [alt-beam] photopopper parts packs... anyone want one? Evan Dudzik i can make up maybe 2 or three photopopper parts packs
soon, more if necessary, i guess that since it is not
a kit as such, just some parts, it shouldnt be illegal
with mark tilden, and you will have to get your own
plans for the free-forming part (a la chiu) but i
will send just parts. the cost would be $10 base
price PLUS the cost of the solar cell, i have 3 sizes.
(this is for flexibility) I have the small, medium,
and large cells from solarbotics. (NOT the new HUGE
ones) the small ones are 4.00, the medium are 5.50,
and the large ones are 6.50. these are the real
solarbotics prices, no ripoffs. the shipping will be
calculated soon, but expect less than 3.00. anyone
want in? email me back.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
6864 Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:19:18 -0600 [alt-beam] Ever the wet blanket (Was: I am a dreamer (WAS: Radio "John A. deVries II" At 07:21 AM 10/18/99 , Arno Jansen wrote:
>Hmmm, I keep dreaming about communicating scrapbugs.
From Romeo and Juliet:
>ROMEO: I dream'd a dream to-night.
>MERCUTIO: And so did I.
>ROMEO: Well, what was yours?
>MERCUTIO: That dreamers often lie.
>ROMEO: In bed asleep while they do dream things true.
It is really tough to decide with dreams, isn't it? Still, I've got to ask
the questions:
(1) if the scrapbugs ('bots) are communicating, WHAT are they
communicating? Emotion? Location? Power level? Existence?
(2) if you know WHAT they are communicating, how does it make that 'bot
different (on an evolutionary basis) from the same 'bot that doesn't have
the ability? Of what VALUE is it to the robot? In the last analysis, of
what value is the ability to YOU once you've "tamed" such a 'bot? Is it
merely cool or is it cool and makes a difference as well?
John A. deVries II
6865 Mon, 18 Oct 99 14:24:12 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Stupid mistake Ian Bernstein Hi
You want to know what REALLY hurts!!!! Hot glue on the skin. I was
holding something for my friend and for some reason he overdid it and
tons of hot glue dripped all over my fingers and hand. It doesn't hurt
for a couple seconds and then it is the most painful pain. The things
that make it so bad is that the glue is stuck to the burn and the pain
goes on like an hour. Don't get hot glue on your skin!
On thing I learned while working at Los Alamos Labs was that every time
you have some kind of accident you have submit what it was you were doing
and what you did to cause the accident. Every month they have a news
letter with some of the reports in it and they post them all on the web
so if your going to work with a certain piece of equipment you can look
for it and find out if accidents have happened with that machine and how
you can avoid them. Also if you see some doing something unsafe you can
call a stop work. We also had to do a very boring 3 hour General
Employment Training which was mostly safety and then a 2 hour VERY VERY
VERY boring electrical safety thing (a bunch of people fell asleep).
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