Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #06546

From: SG
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:09:19 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: lcd name plates....

well, actually i can't take the credit, cause i (and excuse my ignorance here)
thought that instead of a reverser, the on and off the the dispaly could be
reversed with the oscillation of the bicore . Like the motor's polarity
would change, i just thought the off and on leads would change.
but your use of the reverser shows me it's not quite that simple!

At 07:07 PM 10/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>A good idea and posted just before my "diagnostic indicator" suggestion.
>you get the credit! Any other applications? Anyone?
>SG wrote:
>> since these things take so little juice,
>> you could concievably hook it up
>> to a bicore's inverters that are ALREADY in use,
>> Like a HEAD.
>> when head turns right, word "right" comes on
>> and "left" for... well you know.
>> don't know what use it'd be other than kinda
>> neato show-off kinda thingy fer your desk.
>> At 06:09 PM 10/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> >Hi Sparky
>> >
>> >The following letters can be intelligibly displayed
>> >A,b,C/c,d,E,F,G/g,H/h,i, J,L,o,P,S,t,U/u or V/v, y, Z.
>> >and the numbers 0-9 with the 5 and S doubling up.
>> >There are other letters but at the risk of confusion
>> >with numerals.
>> >
>> >There are also (rare) 16 segment displays that can
>> >display the whole alphabet and can be similarly
>> >controlled with bicores
>> >
>> >Finally, there true multiline character displays that
>> >can (with some difficulty) also be BEAMerized!
>> >
>> >regards
>> >
>> >wilf
>> >
>> >SG wrote:
>> >
>> >> hmmm... wunder how you'd make a "T"
>> >> :)
>> >>
>> >> really kewl though!
>> >> -Sparky
>> >>
>> >> At 12:45 PM 10/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> >> >74HC240 or HCT240 pin 1,19,20 = +3V, pin 4,6,8,11,13,15 = 0V
>> >> >Bicore caps between pin 17,18 and between 2,3. Resistor between pin
2 and
>> >> 17. Pin 3 is connected to the "on" segments and pin
>> >> >18 is connected to the backplane (BP) and "off" segments. LCD
>> >> DP means decimal point or collons. The LCD pinout is
>> >> >used for illustration only.
>> >> >
>> >> >regards
>> >> >
>> >> >wilf
>> >> >
>> >> >Michael Hirtle wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> Hi Wilf the nly problem i have with this is where do u place the
>> >> supply leads?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Sean Rigter wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> > (Formatted this time and with the GIF attached).
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Ahh! Great idea Ian! Seven segment type numerical LCDs say from a
>> >> broken digital clock or calculator. I
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >
>> >
