Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #06504
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 22:19:02 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beamant series
Jason - wrote:
> Hie all,
> I would just like to know has anyone here ever build a beamant that
> works....cause i am building it right now and dont know what sort of
> behaviour i might get......thanks a lot
Take a look at the motion page of the Beam Web Index (sadly behind in
You'll see a listing for BeamAnts, with one link to a working model.
Naturally I'd like to hear from anyone else who's got a BeamAnt page.
6505 Fri, 08 Oct 1999 05:15:03 GMT [alt-beam] A behaviour of the photopopper "Jason -"
yesterday i made a new photopopper using hextile PCB as the frame.... the
thing i notice is when i place this bot under the tropical sun(i stay in
malaysia) it kept going round and round....after i fine tune the resistor
pot...firstly it when right and left and right again then it u
know what happen to it....and are all photopoppers suppose to follow the
edges of the shadow and not into it...i am using some walkman motors for
this bot so that it has better torque than a pager motor.....another thing
strage i notice is....this bot i made using clear photodiodes dont do
directly into a light pool but circling the dges of one shining above
it.......anyone care to tell me how do i fine tune it to have the proper
behaviour...and the pot resistor is used is different than dave's kit it
must be turned three quarter more to the left in order to make it go
straight which made the bot go left right left right when there is the same
amount of light...thanks a lot
p/s:what is the technique everyone use to see if their photopoppers work as
it should sense shadow and go directly into the centre of the light
pool....i dont know whether my way is correct or not...but the way i used is
putting a 40W lamp directly on top(the lamp is almost touching the solarcell
with a 1cm space between it) of it and see every two steps it takes and tune
the pot this correct...thanks
6506 Fri, 08 Oct 1999 05:26:22 GMT [alt-beam] ShokBot Quest "Jason -"
Hie all,
Ever wondered what does it mean by 'Mark has been experimenting with a
new way of propagating signals through his nervous nets ' well this phrase
seemed entirely new to me but i would like to say after i see the video that
i think a beginner in beam technology would have this experience before when
making his first walker which is the same walking gait that i see in the
video the way it turn and the video did mark trigger one of the
sensor or just switched on that thing? and how does his sensory input
worked....i hope all of u would care to give your opinion on this walker and
the way it walks on the video and make suggestion on how do we make a
sensory or multiplexer to have this behaviour....wilf? care to take the
challenge...thanks all
6507 Thu, 07 Oct 1999 22:37:45 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: movies Darrell Johnson The movie is compressed with Cinepack compression.. which *should* work
on almost any computer, as the format has been around a long time and is
pretty much a standard for making cross-platform videos. You might have
lost your cinepack codec off your computer, so you would need to
download a new one.. I don't really know where to find it at though..
you might try and get the latest full version of Media Player or
Quicktime.. the codecs should be included in the download.
good luck,
Dave Hrynkiw wrote:
> At 04:51 PM 10/7/99 , wrote:
> >What do I need to view those clips that Dave posted?? My computer tries
> >to view it with media player, but all I get is the sound after I get a
> >message saying "Unable to download an appropriate decompressor."
> Hmmm. I tested it on the 3 PC's I have in the office. Did you try the
> quicktime (mov) format? That one should work for sure, using the quicktime
> 3 viewer.
> -Dave
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> "Um, no - that's H,R,Y,N,K,I,W. No, not K,I,U,U, K,I,_W_. Yes,
> that's right. Yes, I know it looks like "HOCKYRINK." Yup, only
> 2 vowels. Pronounciation? _SMITH_".
BICOREEOS..they're BEAMtastic!!
6508 Fri, 8 Oct 99 00:34:31 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Beamant series Ian Bernstein >Naturally I'd like to hear from anyone else who's got a BeamAnt page
Well there's a bunch of photos of the BEAMants we built this summer in
Los Alamos at:
under photo gallery.
There is only one true "SyNeT"
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