Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #06433
From: "Rik"
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 17:15:54 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Sollar Rollers ....
Hi there gang ...
first off i wanna say i am new to all parts are on the way..and
hopefully soon i will have some pics to post and join the web ring!
i'd also like to take the time to thank JIM and IVAR for ALL YOUR HELP! and
for answering all my newbie questions!!! .. i really can't thank these guys
enough..oh yea and steve too for helping me get some great motors CHEAP!!!
well i'll start off with an easy question ....
i noticed on the solarbotics site under the solar roller gallery that alot
of these use gearing to run the wheels...
is there any benefit to this over a direct wheel drive? .. or is it simply a
matter of preference?
THANKS for the input!