Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #06131
From: Bob Shannon
Date: Friday, 17 September 1999 9:33
Subject: Re: So...what did I miss?
>Richard Piotter wrote:
>> Is it the same one that had the footage of Spyder... and it looked like
>> it was drunk? (:
>> That episode showed "Cricket" over and over, kinda like a transition
>> Is that the same episode that is airing?
>> I want to know if I should tape it, cau
>> Speaking of Spyder, I found the same assembly Mark T used for the eyes
>> (asthetic definitely, functional??? I don't know). They look very nice,
>> but I may save them for Quadrapod (lens assemblys that nice don't pop up
>> every day!). I also have a micro camera and a matching 2.4 GHz video
>> transmitter and reciever. I look forward to the day that I can begin
>> worknig on the mechanical aspects of Quadrapod. I haven't done anything
>> cause I can't afford the motors and mechanical stuff. Easiest would be
>> to buy a Lynxmotion Hexapod II and hack it up, but $375 is over my price
>> margin! $100 is over my price margin! :)
>Why not but a Lynxmotion Quadrapod kit? (Its new)