Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #06102

To: "beam mailing list"
From: "David Perry"
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:06:37 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] my new symet

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now i've been fiddling with this thing for a while now..but now it works ri=
ght. wire legs, solar panel in the centre (22x24mm) all the electronics con=
cealed under the solar a .33 gold cap hidden underneath as wel=
It sits around for 10minutes+ and then absolutly floors it for about 5 seco=
nds. If it went in a straight line it would go a couple of metres, i'm real=
ly happy with this bot because it has such a clean, neat design. I should h=
ave a photo up soon...


David Perry

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