>Has anyone done any work with floppy drives? I seem to >accumulate bad
>drives @ work. The head tracking motor was of initial interest >but I
>found out that they required the drive case to operate. The >motor has no
>back bushing to support the shaft. Support is built into the drive >frame.
>After dismantling a few drives, the read/write heads begs to be >use and
>abused by someone with no regard for their original purpose. >What I was
>thinking was some sort of current driven magnetic feedback >sensor. Maybe
>locate or avoid objects, or to monitor other bot components >through
>sensing. Could it be introduced into a RC timing circuit to make >the
>circuit variable?
>I'll be experimenting with a few of these concepts. So, if anyone >has any
>ideas I would like to hear from you.
That's one thing we are trying to clue in on. We all know that the motors
and gears aren't just the only useable things inside walkmans/ diskmans.
The problem is, we know things like laser diodes could be scrapped, but
what the hell do we do with them. Hopefully soon someone will break that
question people are puzzling over.
Good luck