Hello Ben H. (et al),
I think that you're falling into=
the =
current science paradigm. What I mean by that is this: Some old=
fart =
said that these things work a certian way and we accept that as the onl=
y =
'truth'. This ancient bit of flatulence most likely had all the =
diagrams and all the figures to prove his premise. After all, he has =
to =
keep the funding coming in, dosen't he? Didn't someone on the list make th=
e =
comment that everyone fudges his results? We have been eatin=
g =
fudge for all these years and didn't realize you could add nuts to it =
and still have fudge.
IMHO, science as we know it is a=
n utter =
failure. We are taught to accept what the =
establishment tells us, not to question the valid=
ity =
of their precepts, and to completely accept the exclusivity of their =
claims. Some things we are not able to explain, at least yet. T=
hat =
by no means makes them any less real.
Keep an open mind and try buildi=
ng the =
thing yourself. There are several people who have made such devices a=
nd =
even a couple on this list.
Richard Caudle
p.s. Hey Kyle, got any =
drawings? I can't find the article on Ian's =