Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05888

From: Brad Guillot
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:03:18 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: New Guy Questions

Thanks for all the help. the circuit i used was a 4 nueron microcore,
and this is weird, it will not work on full batteries! i have to breakem
in for a few munites in saturaton before i can stabalize the loop. any
suggestions? , also i am havig a real hard time triming the motors with
the massive 1 meg pot from radio shack. so my next question, was the
bigger pot a bad idea? (fixed one problem, found 2 more, bad patteren)

Once again thanks for all of your help!


Bob Shannon wrote:
> Ben Hitchcock wrote:
> > >From: Bruce Robinson
> >
> > >Let us not overlook the original H-bridge design Mark Tilden described.
> > >He used a 74HC139 chip to prevent smoking a bridge. (It doesn't matter
> > >whether the inputs are active high or active low).
> > >
> > >This is a decoder chip: it takes two inputs, and for each of the four
> > >possible input combinations, it makes ONE output go low (the others
> > >remain high). If you use an H-bridge design that triggers on a low
> > >signal, you can use it directly with this chip. If your H-bridge design
> > >triggers on high signals, then you'll have to use a couple of inverters
> > >on the 74HC139 outputs.
> > >
> > >Another point -- the '139 chip is a dual device -- it has two
> > >independent decoders, so you can manage two H-bridges with one chip.
> >
> >
> >
> > Ahh yes, but I fitted ALL the electronics into the servo cases. All except
> > the batteries. I simply didn't have room for another chip in there. Also,
> > if you are going to use a 74HC139 chip to protect the H-bridge, then why not
> > just use that (or similar) chip as the motor driver?
> Hmmm, maybe because it says that BEAM devices perform no digital
> computation in Living Machines?
> Exactly how is the 139 BEAM tech?
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5889 Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:16:02 EDT [alt-beam] New bot on the way(non BEAM) Hi all,
I just saw a report on a Los Angeles news show about a new entertainment bot
coming from Japan in 2 years. It is called R-1000 and is really amazing. It
has cameras for eyes and can recognize individuals and facial expressions. It
can also recognize and respond to over 1000 phrases. It looked to be about
two feet tall with a round body and angled, rotating head. Amazing what is
popping up.

5891 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 20:47:52 +0800 RE: New Guy Questions
> Digital logic? Change of heart? Bob, I don't see any taboo regarding
> digital logic in Living Machines. And I don't recall anyone badmouthing
> it on the BEAM list, either.
> I think you should use the techniques as they were meant to be. I mean,
> digital logic is, in essence, for pure arithmic power, and to make black
> white decisions in comparison to Anaolg techniques. So if I may add up two
> different discussions: I asked about a laservision system and Chia replied
> that it would require some CPU power. So, maybe it's possible to combine
> them and use digital logic for image processin and creating a pulsetrain
> use in a neural/nervous net?
> In biology these combi's are also used, so why not in bots?
> Or is that the most stupid thing you ever heard?
> Best,
> arno
