Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05867

From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 22:59:59 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: New Guy Questions

Bob Shannon wrote:
> Yes actually.
> But I had just been reading Living Machines
> again when the message came in. I started to
> think, and realized that LEM does a similar
> thing with AND gates between the Microcore
> and Bicores, so I'm hoping that there's been
> a change of heart about digital logic. I
> think I'd overlooked that when I first read
> the paper, so it kinds of took me by supprise.

Digital logic? Change of heart? Bob, I don't see any taboo regarding
digital logic in Living Machines. And I don't recall anyone badmouthing
it on the BEAM list, either.

Living machines makes reference to Nv and Nu neurons -- both of which
use inverters -- which are digital chips. The common chips for bicores
and microcores today are 74xx240's and 74HC14's, which are both digital
chips. Lots of early (and present day) robots use 74xx245's, which are
digital. Tilden's patent refers to the MC14584, which is a digital CMOS
chip. And Tilden designed a "biomech bridge" for his robots which uses
the 74xx139 -- another digital chip.

Living Machines does make a comparison between "living machines" and
microprocessor-based machines, and someone keeps mentioning a perceived
anti-CPU bias on this list . But I don't see anyone claiming digital
logic is a no-no.

... with a smile,

5868 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 06:13:38 GMT [alt-beam] Beam Chat(Yahoo club) "Jason -"
Hie I would like to make a chat on the 28 and the 29th of august at the
yahoo beam club at 3.00PM mountain standard time.....the topic is based on
centralizing the walker's leg electronically based on this text by tilden:

One is an active stop where a button is pushed
and opens the motor connection, dynamic where an encoder wheel tells a
control circuit dynamically where to stop ahead of time, and passively
which is what I use, where the leg is suspended like a spider and the
lifting dynamics form a central resonance about the pivot point

see you there


5869 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:44:31 +0200 [alt-beam] Re: New bot on the way(non BEAM) Yeah, I read it in the paper yesterday.

It looks very alike those cute little bots from a few years back (damn,
forgot the name), but these are much bigger. I thought it was caller
r-100(0?) indeed. It should be able to recognise faces, speak a few frases
even help with some inhouse work. Hmmm, gimme a few…hehe

I've been looking for some info on the net, but couldn't find it, anybody?


Jim wrote:

Hi all,
I just saw a report on a Los Angeles news show about a new entertainment bot
coming from Japan in 2 years. It is called R-1000 and is really amazing. It
has cameras for eyes and can recognize individuals and facial expressions.
can also recognize and respond to over 1000 phrases. It looked to be about
two feet tall with a round body and angled, rotating head. Amazing what is
popping up.
