Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05814

From: Sean Rigter
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 00:41:51 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: MOSFET sensor thingy

This circuit acts like what was described by Terry as a visual e-scope.
Putting the LED on the Source side works well cause it senses positive
and negative fields by turning on brighter or dimmer respectively. So
far it just provides a visual indication when there is a disturbance in
the e-field and not so easy to interface with logic levels.



Richard Caudle wrote:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Ben, I'll take a whack at a simple
> scheme. LED
> 2N7000gnd------------------|<|---------source (pin
> 1) antenna-------------------------gate (pin
> 2) 3vdc-----------------------------drain (pin 3) Not many simpler.
> I later added a 3.3M resistor between the gate and V+. I made an
> E-vore using two of these and two pager motors (in series with the
> LEDs). I put a 4700uf cap on to store juice for the motors. It
> would be finished except I have no suitable solar cells to use. I may
> sojourn to Shadio Rack in the AM to get some of their
> solarcells. Richard Caudle
> Home ICQ - Frankendaddy
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Guardians of the sacred words: Nee, Ptang, and NeeWhon!
