Hi Ben,=
I'll take a whac=
k at a =
simple scheme.
size=3D2> =
sp; LED &nb=
sp; =
2N7000 &nb=
sp; =
size=3D2>gnd------------------|<|---------source (pin 1)
size=3D2> =
sp; =
sp; =
size=3D2>antenna-------------------------gate (pin =
size=3D2> =
sp; =
sp; =
size=3D2>3vdc-----------------------------drain (pin 3)=
Not many simpler=
. I =
later added a 3.3M resistor between the gate and V+. I made =
an E-vore using two of these and two pager motors (in series with the =
LEDs). I put a 4700uf cap on to store juice for the motors. &nb=
sp; =
It would be finished except I have no suitable solar cells to use. I =
may =
sojourn to Shadio Rack in the AM to get some of their solarcells. =
size=3D2> =
sp; =
sp; =
Guardians of the=
sacred =
words: Nee, Ptang, and NeeWhon! &n=
bsp; =