Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05802

From: SG
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 00:20:23 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: anuther obsticle avoider thingy

here is some info i copied down about the IR detection circuit.
(copied it on the back of a blank check in the bookstore)
This simple IR detectior turns on a real LED when Q2 is exposed to
invisable IR radiation found in fiberoptics systems, position sensors, and
TV remote control units. ........
It's power disspensation is virtually zero, unless IR radiation or high
ambient light is present. Normal florescent lighting is not a problem, but
if neccesary add IR filter to the Q2 detector to exclude ambient light.
Exposing the detector to strong light or IR source gives a quick check of
the battery and the LED.
Also forgot to mention that i jotted down ID5531 as the LEd # but it might
be 1D..." as well as 293638 might be 2N>>>" my 9's and N's look alike when
i'm plagerizing.
