Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05786

From: (Michael Hirtle)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 22:04:52 -0300
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Edge detectors

Hi Arno their is all ready a edge dector thin made, ask BotDoc about it because
he designed it

Arno Jansen wrote:

> Just an idea I got while trying to sleep....(know what I mean???)
> Okay, now... I know there are bots with obstacle avoidance/detection. So,
> they will most likely not run into a wall. But, when you put them on a
> table, they might fall of the edge.......probably dead.
> But! (here's my little brainwave). It must be possible to make some
> edge-detectors. I haven't drawn a scheme or something, but this is what I
> think: It can some sort of leg. For example left front and one on the front
> right side. (ascii-1)
> \ /
> \ / <- edge detectors
> \ /
> --------------
> | bot |
> ----------------
> ascii-1 (I hope this will be well viewable...)
> Those legs must be stiff (not being able to bend) have some weight at their
> ends (those you remove from the namiki's). When the "edge-detector" reaches
> an edge, the little weight will make it drop off, so it makes contact (just
> like a tactile sensor) and the bot can react and probably move backwards.
> For walkers you might want to use a pressure sensor, they're not expensive
> and they're small. So if you somehow manage to know when a walkers' leg is
> in the air, and when it's on the surface, you can "predict" what the
> difference of the value of the pressure sensor is, so whenthe leg is on the
> surface and the sensor's value is equal to the value it gives when the leg
> is in the air, you know, it's probably near a gap, or an edge and it could
> react and move in another direction.
> I am not (yet) able to try this, 'cause I'm still waiting for parts to build
> my first photovore... and I haven't much spare parts yet. But if anyone
> starts thinking about this concept, this mail wasn't for nothing.
> So.. comments?
> Arno
> P.S. Or was I stupid to think I was the only one thinking of this problem???
> :)
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