Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #05751
To: "''"
From: "Van Zoelen, Bram AA SSI-TSEA-352"
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 08:20:15 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: MOSFET sensor thingy
A modern musician called Jean Michiel Jarre, a French synthizer freak is
playing this instrument in his last show and on his last album.
> ----------
> From: Bruce Robinson[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 4:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MOSFET sensor thingy
> Richard Caudle wrote:
> >
> > What's a theremin?
> Oh, oh. Now everyone will know how ancient I am.
> A Theremin's an electronic musical instrument. It has two antennae which
> are influenced by the hands -- one controls the pitch, one controls the
> volume. It's played by holding the hands above it and moving them up and
> down. Produces really eerie sounds -- first "presented" to a broad
> audience by the Beach Boys song "Good Vibrations".
> I built one from a kit for a friend that wanted to be the next Mick
> Jagger. He didn't make it, and I didn't keep the circuit diagram. #@%^#%
> I just found a website about it, and much to my surprise I see the darn
> thing was invented in 1919. I ain't THAT old. Try
> Regards,
> Bruce
> (and here I thought you, of all people, would know what it was ).
5752 Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:40:49 +0200 [alt-beam] 'Light' Theremin Wouter Brok Hello All,
>Time for a Bicore Theremin!
Funny, I knew of the existance of such a thing (saw it at some concert a
couple of months ago and I figured the concept was based on altering the
electric fiels), but I didn't know the name. Well, it gave me an idea,
which I tested a couple of weeks back:
A (bicore) Theremin reacting on light (guess you can't really call it a
theremin anymore). I constucted a test-version, consisting of a couple of
coupled bicores. Some where lightdependent (the resistos in the bicore
replaced by a couple of photodiodes and pots) and some had a fixed
frequency, but where coupled to others via LDR's. I just connected a
head-phone to ground and to some point in the circuit and I must say that I
was able to get various tones out of it by waving my hand in front it,
switching the room-light off and on, placing coloured filters in front of
the diodes and LDR's. There also was quite a lot of variation in different
points of the circuit of course.
After those experiments I disassambled the thing and made plans to really
construct one for 'permanent' use .... this, however didn't happen yet
because of my chronic lack of free time.
Wouter Brok.