Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05677

From: Bob Shannon
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 23:49:41 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: LEM videos now on-line.

Sean Rigter wrote:

> The LEM gear wheels remind me a bit of a oil rig drilling bit and my guess is that a soft
> or resilient surface runs some risk of being chewed up.

Uhhh, yup. like the nice finish on the dining room table. (ducking...)

> What about obstacles? How does the LEM handle those? A smooth incline is a possibility but
> what about a small ridge like ruler or a pencil?

A pencil simply gets tossed aside, never having activated the feelers. A tougher obstacle I
use as a test is a random pile of jumbo paperclips. Plows right through them like they were not

even there.

Obstacles that trip the feelers simply repel the thing by altering the timing.
