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5643 Wed, 11 Aug 1999 12:34:30 -0700 (PDT) [alt-beam] Solarbotics Miniball Kit for Sale beam@sgiblab.sgi.com Lee Golden
I bought a Solarbotics Miniball kit several months ago, but have yet to
get around to building it. The kit is complete and unbuilt including
the custom made hand built gear motor!
MY cost was $160.00, but I am willing to entertain cash/trade offers
for it. Just not enough time to do everything I want to...sigh.
Please don't "reply" to this message as it will send to the entire
list! If you are interested, make an offer to "leemon1@yahoo.com".
Lee Golden
Olney, MD USA
5644 Wed, 11 Aug 1999 13:15:21 -0600 [alt-beam] "Linear Wheels" (was: LEM videos now on-line) beam@sgiblab.sgi.com "John A. deVries II"
>I found that net linear motion does results in my 3 motor design but is very
>inefficient with a lot of wheel dragging and slipping resulting in high
>frictional losses compared to, for example, Bolt's 2 motor design!
>These losses are caused by the "toe in" of the 3 wheels which oppose
> all net linear motion. Even if one wheel is held perfectly stationary causing
> the platform to rotate about that relatively low friction pivot point , the
> sideways dragging and slipping between wheel and
>surface (ie friction losses) of the other 2 wheels is very high.
>So my question are:
>Am I missing something?
This might have no bearing (pardon the pun) on what you are talking about,
Sean, but I strongly suggest that you take a look at a two
degree-of-freedom "linear wheels". They are more complex than everyday
wheels, but they ARE free to move (with quite low friction) in directions
other than the driving direction. See:
for the basic description and the following mpg movies to see the Killough
platform in motion:
high resolution/shorter
length movie
low resolution/longer
length movie with several different motions
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