Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05602

From: Hyndman
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 18:43:35 -0700
Subject: Magnetic Screw Drivers

: I know on the list there are a lot of people who want to spend as little
: money. I myself own screwdrivers which are magnetic, which are very handy
: but are more expensive than regular screw drivers. I pay more money for
: ones I use because I've broken many cheap screwdrivers, and because they
: have little things that I like.
: Anyway, so you don't have to spend a lot of money buying them, I have a
: tip. You can magnetize your normal screwdrivers in two ways (I'm sure
: are more). One is to go buy a Magnetizer/demagnetizer, which is about $10,
: or the cheap alternative is to find a small speaker, one about the size of
: your fist. Drag the side of the screw driver against one side of the back
: to magnetize it, to de magnetize it drag it across the other side.
: Devin
